
Letter Requesting Governor Ducey Veto SB1003, SB1485, SB1713


Letter issued by Inter Tribal Association of Arizona (ITAA): Dear Governor Ducey: On behalf of the Inter Tribal Association of Arizona, a consortium of 21 federally recognized Indian Tribes in Arizona, I write today to ask that you veto SB1003 ( early voting; signature requirement; notice). I also ask, if they are passed in the legislature and sent to your desk, that you veto SB1485 ( early voting list; eligibility) and SB1713 ( early ballots; identification; mailing). These bills, all related to the conduct of elections, will unnecessarily create obstacles for tribal members to vote and make it more difficult for [...]

Letter Requesting Governor Ducey Veto SB1003, SB1485, SB17132021-05-04T22:11:00+00:00

Letter to Arizona State Legislature opposing SB1485, SB1713, SB1003


Honorable Karen FannPresident, Arizona Senate [email protected] Honorable Russell “Rusty” BowersSpeaker, Arizona House of Representatives [email protected] Arizona State Legislature1700 West Washington StreetPhoenix, Arizona 85007 Re: SB 1485, Early voting list; eligibilitySB 1713, Early ballots; identification; mailing,and SB 1003, Early voting; signature required; notice Dear Senator Fann and Representative Bowers: On behalf of the nearly 17,000 members of the San Carlos Apache Tribe (“Tribe”), I oppose SB1485, SB1713 and SB1003. These bills and countless others have been put forward on the basis of a lie to Arizona that the last election was a fraud. Truth matters, but apparently not for the sponsors of [...]

Letter to Arizona State Legislature opposing SB1485, SB1713, SB10032021-04-22T09:17:00+00:00
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