Inspiring Tomorrows Leaders
Chairman Terry Rambler, San Carlos Apache Tribe

Chairman Terry Rambler
Terry Rambler is a member of the San Carlos Apache Tribe and understands and speaks the Apache language fluently. His mom and dad were the late Audrey Jordan Johnson and Jerry Rambler, Sr. Chairman Rambler was raised mainly by his grandmother, his mom, two of his aunts, and his only sister. He too, as other men, was influenced greatly by the women in his life. He was raised in the Apache traditional ways and also experienced life living with a Christian foster family for five years. Growing up in a family where alcohol was present he promised himself to never partake of alcohol. But peer pressure and other influences led him to experimenting with alcohol and alcohol related activities. Little did he know this experience would lead to a ten-year addiction to alcohol. It was the worst experience of his life being someone he did not want to be. He thanks his Creator God and his family for never giving up on him and for their unconditional love and support. He has now been sober for 30 years. This experience has strengthened his faith and belief in the power of prayer.

Chairman Terry Rambler is dedicated to addressing crucial issues and building a better future for the San Carlos Apache Tribe. Guided by his strong faith and belief in the power of prayer, he focuses on important areas such as alcohol and substance abuse, public safety, renewable energy, language preservation, youth services, infrastructure development, and job creation.