The Office of the Chairman announced today that the Tribe’s Forestry Resources Department has determined the forest roads as “dry” enough to allow tribal member home-use and resale fire wood harvesting in the northern areas of the Forest located on the San Carlos Indian Reservation.
The re-opening of the forest shall include areas above the Nantac Rim, including Hilltop, Point of Pines, and Malay Gap Forest Management Units. Due to existing soil moisture content, you must stay on the main dirt roads to avoid getting stuck in the mud off road, which will be at your own risk and cost. Please avoid wet mud puddles and use caution when harvesting. North-facing slopes and the ground underneath the forest canopy may be very wet and pose a high risk of getting stuck. Let family members know where you will be gathering firewood and please be safe.
The opening is made pursuant to the Tribe’s Constitution, Article V, Section 1(f), as well as for public safety and to protect the Tribe’s natural resources.
If you have any questions concerning the restricted areas where Home Use wood gatherings is allowed, please contact Mr. Samson Belvado, Woodlands Supervisory Tech at 475-2326 ext. 340, [email protected].
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